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Happy New Year 2024, and news!

Hey you all, I hope you got nice holidays, and that the new year is going to bring you all kinds of expected and unexpected good things!You may have noticed that page 115 was updated in full color for Christmas 🙂 page 116 is underway.I didn’t really have time to rest lately, and my financial…

Page 112 UP

with full shiny render, flavor text, plus a drawing-only version :)Thank you for your patience 🙂

Ok. Sorry. Change of plans

I was going to be working tomorrow on the story, but these past 2 hours we’ve got :-a potential bed bug infestation in the house-a lame kitty.Both of these things need to be adressed immediately and will likely take a good portion of my work time until we’re sure they’re resolved.See you soon, hopefully 🙂

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