Site icon Le Petit Guerrier

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“Is wanted, dead or alive : “Happy Face”. Beggar or wanderer, medium build, brown hair and eyes, pale skin, small beard, strangely elegant despite poor condition of clothes. Goes by the names “Guy”, “Joel”, “Roberto”, “Archibald”, “Byron”, “Goergos”, “Mertin”, “Petro”. Crimes : theft, assault, defiance towards the authorities, poor morals.
Récompense pour information : 78 Couronnes Impériales.
Récompense pour cadavre : 489 Couronnes Impériales et 4 pièces de cuivre.
Bounty for capture : 956 Imperial Crowns, 1 copper and 1 year’s worth of drinks at “New Lost Shoe Tavern”. “

Office de l'Ordre Public, Golémia, Quartier du Soir.

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