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β€œSo, you buy the entire stock. Then you get out of the settlement, intercept all incoming caravans, and sell it all to them. In a couple of days, part of the stock should be sold back to the town, and the rest would have regrown. Signal your friend to go in the settlement and repeat the procedure while you move on to the next town. You can’t keep doing this for too long, but in a few weeks, when you split it all, you should have enough treasure to get to the next stage of your endeavours.”
Tengren, speaking his forbidden trading techniques to younglings


Hey all, sorry, no page today, and maybe not next week. I’m in a sad state and need time to heal, plus I took extra work next week because the classes this year are not taking off. I’ll keep you updated. Thank you sincerely for your patience, for reading, for being there.

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